Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dry Walls!

Lots of drywall hung today - the space is really starting to look like a room!

Monday, September 29, 2008

warmth - continued!

Finished insulation today - inspection should be tomorrow - then drywall will start!
Cement board went down today to prep for tile installation
And now our heating system is connected to the new room - mmm mmm toasty!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


On Friday 9/26 - Insulation!

It's nearly done, except for the bathroom - They also installed the duct for the bathroom vent fan, and my speaker wires - I'm having them install 6 on the ceiling - in case I ever get a 7.1 system.

hey made another great suggestion - install insulation in the interior walls surrounding the Bathroom for sound proofing.

Next week:
- Drywall, drywall, drywall..

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No progress today

They didn't work on our job today - so no progress! I'm hoping we're still on track for completion by 10/10 - but I'm not so sure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Inspection Day and More

Today, we passed inspection! Jen overheard the inspector saying that they were doing a great job! We knew it - but it's reassuring to hear from an independant party.

Also - our window was re-installed in the side of our bedroom - it now casts a lot of light strait into the hallway and stairs - I think we're going to like it!

They installed PVC piping for cable runs to the TV - it wasn't exactly how I envisioned it - and it took me a few minutes to get used to the idea, but I think the way they decided to do it was better.. My way would have meant a good 12 foot cable run (through the floor) - theirs makes it in 6 foot.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

And there was light!

Our master bath window returns - more compact - and it fits!

Outside: the gutters and siding are done! - this should complete all the outdoor work other than plumbing and electrical fixtures!

Yesterday, the electrical rough in was complete - including plenty of power for our new counter area - it should be great!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here's our new half wall - this will support a breakfast counter behind the new countertop.

Stairs! now everyone can come in and out through the patio.. We requested wood stairs so we wouldn't have concrete to pull out when we did a Patio (hopefully next year)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Let there be light! (and siding)

Lots of progress today - electrician installed the rest of the can lights - they work and look great!

The siding on the new space was completed - now we need to install the windows and re-side the second floor!

They marked out the location of the peninsula today - We put the island there so we can visualize - should be lots of great space!!
The cabinets were delivered today - can't wait to see them!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Electrical, Roofing, More siding!

Electrical work was started today - mostly boxes and conduit. He'll be back tomorrow. Can lights and a cieling fan box.
Today the roofers came and shingled the roof, and more siding was completed today!

Everything is still looking great - the outdoor work is nearly done, and the indoor work is really moving along!


Came home today to find the siding work about half done today!
A nice feature - They added extra cross beams where we're going to mount the TV, towel bar, tissue holder, and such in the walls, so we could get solid mounts.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I love it when a plan comes together

Well, the rest of the wall came down today - we now have an undivided large space!

Here's a picture of the newly framed bathroom! Boy - that was fast - dream it up last night, and see it today!

Inside the newly designed bath - There was a lot of advantage to the new layout - including better overall options for plumbing in the interior wall, more room for the fixtures, and more wall space to create roominess.

The plumbers finished up today - all the way to installing fixtures in the shower! It runs! (but wouldn't make a very private shower yet - neighbors beware!)

Jen and I are very excited - it's working out terrifically - and we can really envision furniture placement and everything together now!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wow - that's some space!

The wall was partially removed today - and we're starting to be able to visualize the new space - it's looking really great!

The plumbers were here today. They tapped the lines, installed drains, and the shower was installed! It looks great!

Unfortunately, with progress comes decisions.. Ray let us know today that the way the layout is working out, it's going to be really tight in the bathroom - The commode is practically in the shower.. While that could be convenient - I don't think most guests would appreciate it - so we're making changes once again.. Ray's partner Larry came up with an excellent idea - we're re-orienting the bathroom to put the commode and sink across from the shower - and stealing a little room (about 2 feet) from the family room. We have the extra space - The depth (from couch to TV) of the family room is still going to be about 2 1/2 feet more than the current depth, and much more overall space to boot. I'm pleased with the plan, and with both Ray and Larry for letting us know about the design flaw early, and for the ideas on making it work better.
My hand drawn plan:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Windows & Doors!

Wait - something's missing here...

Oh - there they are!
The windows moved right over, and installed in the new rear wall - now there's a recycling program for you!
Also note - our new bathroom window (don't worry - it's little and high so you can pee without peekers!) and our new patio door (hmm patio's missing - have to do that one next year)
They also installed the sofet coverings - prepping for roofing and siding next week! (I think)

Great progress for a rainy day (rainy afternoon at least) - can't wait until we have shingles and siding so it's really leakproof!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm Blind! Oh wait...

The second floor windows were removed today - so I came home to no view of the back yard!

Yes - the bathroom too!

They also got vapor barrier up today - looks like we're getting rainproof!

More Window Saga

Well, talked to Ray this morning - looks like we're going to replace the bathroom window after all - with one that's about 2 inches shorter.. He just wasn't comfortable guaranteeing that it wouldn't leak in it's current condition, and I wasn't comfortable with the risk.. It's an extra cost, but money well spent if it prevents worry about leaking roofs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We have shelter!

Today, the roof was covered.. Shingles should go on next week..
Other potentially good news: Ray thinks we may not have to replace the window! he trimmed a corner on the window trim, and if it passes inspection, we may be able to keep it as is..

The bedroom window (that is currently sitting in the middle of the roof line - should come out later this week - at least this means Friday's rain forcast won't impact the schedule!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Roofing and Windows Don't Mix!

The good news!
Lots of progress in framing the roof today!

The bad news:
Looks like another mis-calculation on the plans - The roof line won't fit under the master bath window afterall - and we're going to have to replace the window with a slightly smaller one.. Haven't gotten a price yet for this surprise..

Monday, September 8, 2008

Error in the plans

Talked with Ray tonight - due to an error made in the plans (an assumption of 12 inch instead of 10 inch ceiling joists in the existing structure), it turns out that the extra support is required - so, we're going to end up with a smaller opening in the A/V niche - but it will be enough to hold the equipment (and should have a little "hidden" storage to the right to boot..) - should work out just fine.

Rainy Day - a little progress

Today the rain started mid-day, so there's only a little more.. Interior bathroom walls..

There's supposed to be a niche for A/V equipment in that corner by the doors - Will mention to Ray tomorrow..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our renovation project

For the moment - our renovation consumes much of our attention - so I thought I'd start this blog to share progress, stories, etc..

Here's where we're at to date..

We've got plans!
On 5/29/2008 - we hired Purnell X Montoya as our Architect at the recommendation of one of the many contactors we spoke with. Shawn Purnell is the architect, and he was great to work with, even though all of our changes..
I'd recommend him..

Contact Info:
Purnell x Montoya -
Phone: 847-989-2772

We've hired a contractor!
I'll leave the contractor saga for another day - let it be said that the prices and attitudes of the various contractors had a wide range.. We avoided a bunch with bad ratings on Angie's list: (http://www.angieslist.com), ended up getting bids from 5, and in the end on 7/23 (yes, it took a while) went with

Ray Castellanos
"C" Construction & Remodeling
Phone: 815-245-2384

We chose him because of relationship, very positive references (one guy was so excited to give him a positive reference that he wanted me to come by on the day of his wedding rehersal to see the work), and price. So far, we're pleased.

Our hole in the yard
This was taken either 8/26 or 27th (can't remember for sure) concrete guys poured footings and cut out access hole - that big square rock used to be part of my basement wall!

Our brand new crawl
9/2 - The concrete guys return (and wake Jen at 6:30) to pour the floor on the crawl - look at all that storage space!

A Floor! (Well Almost)
9/4/2008 - Big rainstorms all day long - almost had a swimming pool!

Wow - a floor and a wall!
9/5 - I came home to significant progress - Wow, we've got a wall already? This was done in a single day!
A room! - wait, where's the roof?
9/6/08 - Ray and Larry worked today to finish the two outside walls, since they lost time due to rain on Thursday..
That catches up to date - future posts will cover further progress! Keep posted!